So, I am huge on delcuttering. I love to declutter every few months. So I’ve put together a list for you of 100+ things to declutter and even included a printable calendar to help you stay organized. I didn’t add dates so you can print it out and add any dates on it and then get to decluttering!
I remember the first time I decluttered I was so overwhelmed and didn’t even know where to begin. I thought I needed to do it all in one day. Well boy was I wrong. Decluttering takes awhile and it’s totally okay. Especially after the holidays it’s a must to declutter! All the new stuff and the clutter from the year!
So here you’ll do one day at a time. One space a day to not overwhelm yourself.
Let’s start with the place you are the most!
old spices
expired fridge items
expired pantry items
expired frozen foods
chipped dishes
leaky water bottles
cooking tools or utensils you don’t use
fast food sauce packs
unused small appliances
tubberware containers without lids
Old coffee mugs, cups, bowls, plates, etc.
worn out scrubbers + sponges
Recipe books you don’t use.
Take-out containers
plastic forks/spoons you don’t use
Burnt baking sheet pans
Scratched pots and pans
Broken canisters
Paper clutter
Excessive Grocery bags
Old batteries
Old receipts
Take-out menus
Business cards you will never need
Expired coupons
Broken chargers
Phone books
Appliance manuals
Broken pens
Junk mail

Broken or scratched DVDs/CDs
VHS tapes
books you no longer love or read
anything you’re tired of dusting
puzzles + board games with missing pieces
old remote controls
burned-down candles
Old throw blankets
Chipped knick-knacks
Cords that aren’t needed
Dead plants
Broken blinds
Old decor

old make-up
travel-size toiletries
nearly-empty product bottles
Old towels and wash cloths
old nail care products
Expired skincare products.
Expired hair-care products.
Old perfume
Empty bottles
Samples of products
Old sponges and loofahs
Old razors
Broken hair tools
Old hair brushes
Anything you haven’t used in the past 6 months or longer
Old toothpaste
Old toothbrushes
Empty shampoo/conditioner bottles
Empty soaps
Old toys
Nail polish
Almost empty sprays
Empty band-aid containers
Anything you haven’t used for them in 6 months or longer
Old spices
Almost empty spices
Expired medicine
Expired vitamins and supplements
Old syringes used for medicines

Old sheets
Torn comforters
Stained pillowcases
Old pillows
Old throw pillows
Old throw blankets
Worn down hats
Stained clothes
Clothes too small
Clothes with holes
Socks with our matches
Gloves with our matches
Old underwear
Brass with broken or missing wire
Stretched out sports bras
Clothes with worn out elastic
Old pajamas
Unused bedskirts
Extra flat sheets
Scarves or accessories never worn
Broken jewelry
Worn down belts
Old prescription glasses
Broken hangers
Trash from your luggage or purse
Clothes that are too little
Stained or clothes with holes
Shoes that don’t fit
Broken crayons/pencils
Old stuffed animals
Used up coloring books
Old school papers
Books they don’t want
Broken toys
Toys they no longer want
Old video games
Pillows/blankets they don’t use
Old underwear
Old socks or ones without matches
phone books
take-out menus
non-working pens, markers, broken pencils, sharpies, highlighters
expired insurance papers
Old bills
Unused decor that you set there to get out of the way
unnecessary tax papers
Never used or damaged craft items
paint cans (check local recycling/disposal guidelines)
expired or unused home + yard products
Old brooms
Broken storage totes
Used boxes
broken toys
Anything broken
excess or unused cleaners
Old food you store in garage
repair parts for items you no longer own
Expired cleaning products
Old wrapping paper
Storage totes full of junk

There you have it 100+ to declutter. I promise you’ll feel so much better once you’ve done this. Take it one day at a time. One section at a time. I always try to aim for one or two rooms a day when I’m decluttering and then it only take me a week or so to declutter my entire house! It’s the best feeling! I love going into a new year with a decluttered house. Putting away all the Christmas décor and decluttering makes you feel like a brand new person.
Don’t forget to enter your email below and get my free printable to help you stay organized while decluttering. Print it off and hang it on your fridge and get to decluttering!